Erzherzog Joseph - Diamant - Königlich kaiserlicher Schmuck und Juwelen 

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Für den Gegenwert von einem Gramm Diamant müssten Sie rund 30 Kilogramm Gold mit sich schleppen erzherzogin auguste , Prinzessin von Bayern  erzherzog Joseph famous diamond, imperial diamonds princess auguste of bavaria, wittelsbach, archduchess of austria habsburg,royalty, royals,imperial court vienna,archduchesse,erzherzogin,diamond tiara,diamant diadem,diamanten,diamonds,royalty,austrian imperial family,diamond,gems,famous,archduchess gisela,duchesse Sapphire and Diamond Waterfall Aigrette | Orleans Sapphires Bulgarian| Royal and Imperial Jewels of Bulgaria | Tsaritsa Princess Marie Louise of Bourbon Parme bulgarian royals tsar tsarina jewelry imperial royal jewel history zu kultisch - religiösen Zwecken,
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Edelsteine galten jahrhundertelang neben Gold und Silber als sicherste Wertanlage - schon allein deshalb, weil die Ressourcen begrenzt waren. erzherzogin auguste schmuck erzherzog Joseph famous diamond, imperial diamonds princess auguste of bavaria, wittelsbach, archduchess of austria habsburg,royalty, royals,imperial court vienna,archduchesse,erzherzogin,diamond tiara,diamant diadem,diamanten,diamonds,royalty,austrian imperial family,diamond,gems,famous,archduchess gisela,duchesse Sapphire and Diamond Waterfall Aigrette | Orleans Sapphires Bulgarian| Royal and Imperial Jewels of Bulgaria | Tsaritsa Princess Marie Louise of Bourbon Parme bulgarian royals tsar tsarina jewelry imperial royal jewel history Sapphire and Diamond Waterfall Aigrette | Orleans Sapphires Bulgarian| Royal and Imperial Jewels of Bulgaria | Tsaritsa Princess Marie Louise of Bourbon Parme bulgarian royals tsar tsarina jewelry imperial royal jewel history erzherzogin auguste schmuck
Sapphire and Diamond Waterfall Aigrette | Orleans Sapphires Bulgarian| Royal and Imperial Jewels of Bulgaria | Tsaritsa Princess Marie Louise of Bourbon Parme bulgarian royals tsar tsarina jewelry imperial royal jewel history Erzherzog Joseph - Diamant - Königlich kaiserlicher Schmuck und Juwelen 

des Österreichischen Kaiserhaus|Archduke Diamond - Royal and Imperial Jewels erzherzogin auguste schmuck archiduc joseph d autrich Die meisten Kunden kaufen beim Juwelier zum Höchstpreis, und wenn Sie verkaufen müssen, wieder über Juwelier oder Auktionshaus zu einem viel niedrigeren Preis, erfahrungsgemäß einem Drittel oder gar nur Viertel des Einkaufspreises.


Der berühmte Erzherzog Joseph Diamant der Habsburger| Royal Imperial Jewels

Königlich kaiserlicher Schmuck und Juwelen des Österreichischen Kaiserhauses,

Unten im Bild Erzherzogin Auguste, Frau von Erzherzog Joseph August und Tochter von Prinz Leopold von Bayern und dess Frau Gisela, die Tochter von Kaiserin Sisi.
Die Geschichte großer Diamanten ist eng verwoben mit Leben von Kaisern und Eroberern, Königen und ihren Königinnen. Sie waren Objekt der Begierde und spielten wichtige Rollen in Kriegen, Intrigen und einigen Diebstählen. Man bewunderte nicht nur die außergewöhnliche Schönheit der seltenen Steine, man schrieb ihnen auch magische Fähigkeiten zu: Sie sollten ihre Träger vor ihren Feinden beschützen. Wie eben bei diesem Stein, die faszinierende Geschichte, dieses berühmten Juwels ausmacht.

Einige können detailliert bis zum Tage ihres Fundes in indischen Minen zurückverfolgt werden, während andere eine eher mysteriöser Vergangenheit haben oder sogar verschwunden sind.
Erzherzog Joseph war der erste nachweissliche Besitzer dieses prachtvollen Diamanten, die anderen Vorbesitzer sind nicht mit Sicherheit zu benennen. Oben im Bild links der Erzherzog, sowie rechts der Diamant als Anhänger.

Dieser seltene 78,54 Karat grosse Diamant ist mit Farbe D und SI 1 vom GIA graduiert, stammt aus der legendären Golconda-Mine in Indien und hat deren typische wasserklaren undefinierbaren, characteristischen Merkmale. Der Diamant "Erzherzog Joseph“,wurde bei Christies für 6.487.945 US-Dollar versteigert und gehört damit zu den höchsten erzielten Edelsteinpreisen

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The Important Archduke Joseph Diamond| Royal Imperial Jewellery

Archduchess Augusta, wife of Archduke Joseph August, daughter of Prince Leopold of Bavaria and Archduchess Gisela (daughter of Empress Sisi)

Historical diamonds are seldom offered at auction, the knowledge that this magnificent 78,54 carat gem once belonged to an Archduke of the great dynastic House of Habsburg adds an extra edge of excitement to this diamond.

Graded as D colour, with SI 1, potentially flawless clarity by the GIA, the Archduke Joseph Diamond has that limpid transparency and soft luminescent quality that is discribed as "Golconda" by experienced diamond dealers. This almost undifinable water-clear appearance ist characteristic of stones from the legendary diamond district of Golconda in India, in what would now be the state of Hyderabad. Described in detail by the sevententh-century gem merchant, Jean Baptist Tavernier, in his book "Travels in India", the mines of this area are believed to have been the source of many of the world`s famous diamonds such as the Koh-i-Noor and the Regent. Unfortunately, these mines were depleted in the mid-eighteenth century. No other sources have been found since that produce diamonds exhibiting this limpid transparency.

The beautiful, elongated cushion-shaped stone derives its name from its first known owner, Joseph August Victor Clemence Maria, Archduke of Austria and Palatinate of Hungary, great-grandson of Emperor Leopold II of the House of Habsburg, one of the primery ruling dynasties of Europe. (The Titel of Archduke was given to all Habsburg sons except the principal heir who became the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire). The House of Habsburg ruled over the elective monarchies of Austria, Bohemia and Hungary from the fifteenth to the twentieth century.

Archduke Joseph August 1872-1962 distinguished himself as a field marshal during World War I and was named first Regent of Hungary, a position that he held until he was forced to resign under pressure from the Allies. At this time, Archduke Joseph August retired from active politics, though he still became a member of the Upper House of Parliament and involved himself in the cultural aspects of Hungarian society. He became an honorary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and acted as its president from 1936-1944. With the occupation of Hungary by the Soviet troops at the end of World ar II, Archduke Joseph August emigrated to the United States and lived out his days in exile.

It is believed that Joseph August gave the diamond to his son, Joseph Francis (1895-1957) at some point. Records show that in 1933 the gem was deposited in the vault of the Hungarian General Credit Bank. Evidence also shows that the stone was sold in 1936 to an undiscolosed buyer. During World War II, the diamond escaped the notice of the Nazis and has been kept discreetly from 1936 to the present.

The lack of ceoncrete information about the Archduke Diamond ist tantalizing. That we only know a few details imparts an extra aura of mystery to this superlative gem. Perhaps it is just as well not to know more. For, even as the threads that we do have provide us with a tanible line to historic figures and events, we can nevertheless embellish the story in fantasy,imagining exotic evenings among the royal heads of Europe at which this diamond may have been worn and admired.
source: Christies/E.B.Misiorowski/PdV


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