Diamant Diadem vom Hofjuwelier
Meniere der Hofjuwelier von Ludwig XVI, änderte für die Tochter
des Königs, Madame Royale die Duchesse d'Angoulême, oben im Bild
rechts trägt sie das Diadem, mehrere Preziosen, wohl auch das später
als Basis ohne Diamanten in Stücken angeboten wurde.
Die orginal Montur der Duchess wurde in London Mitte der 90 Jahre verkauft.
"Pia und Maria Antonia bekamen damals Diamanten im Wert von je
24.000 Francs und Robert Diamanten für 48.000 " (Der Familie
Man kann daher gut annehmen, dass diese 5 Diamanten, die Robert von
Borbon-Parma erhielt, mit anderen weniger bedeutenden in der verschwundenen
Tiara, der "neueren" Tiara der Familie Bourbon - Parma verwendet
Das "neue"
Diadem, öfters getragen von Prinzessin Irene von Bourbon-Parma,
Tochter der niederländischen Königin Juliana, stammt aus der
zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jhd. - und da residierten die Bourbons in
Österreich. Es ist daher ohne Zweifel vom Hofjuwelier Köchert
angefertigt worde
Madame Royale
mehr >>
Since most owners
of valuable jewellery tend to keep them hidden under a veil of secrecy,
this causes problems for those trying to trace the history of particularly
celebrated pieces.
Recently, the fate of none such jewel, the diamond diadem of the Duchess
d´Angouleme, has been revealed through a fascinating group of
objects comprising her miniature, the silver mount of the diadem, and
a handwritten account of what happend to some of stones. These Bourbon
heirlooms was for sale in the 90th.
In 1814 Marie-Therese Charlotte, the tragic and courageous daughter
of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, returned to Paris with her husband,
the Duc d`Angouleme and their uncle Louis XVIII.
In the absence of a Queen, the Duchess presided over the brilliant court
receptions which the restored Bourbon monachy.
She had access to the fabulous cellection of jewels consulidated on
behalf of the state by Napoleon and som were remodelled for her. The
court-jeweller made the diadem of diamonds which the King gave her outright
as her own personal propberty. In the picture she wears it low on the
forehead, crowned by nodding plumes, the epitome of Royal dignity.
As the grandson
of Charles X who had been ousted by the Orleans monarch in the July
Revolution of 1830, the Comte de Chambord (1820-1820) was "King
Henry V" the "Legitimist" Pretender to the throne of
His childless aunt, the Duchesse de´Angouleme, loved him like
amother : she supervised his education, arranged his marriage in 1846
withe the Archduchess Maria Theresia of Modena and left him all her
property The bequest included the diadem which, as her own personal
possession, she had taken with her into exile in 1830.
At the castel of Frohsdorf near Vienna, the Comte de Chambord led a
solitary and uneventful existence surrounded by mementoes of his ancestors.
On several occasions, most natably during the political crisis of 1873
he might have turned the situation to his advantage and returnded to
France - but the stumbling block was his insistence on teh princple
of Divine Right. This refusal to compromise cost him the throne and
condemned him to pertueual exile.
Thereafter, having no children, he recognised the claim of teh Comte
de Paris, representative of the Orleans branch and thus united the Royalist
parties before his death.
According to the
note written by his widow in September 1885, the Duchess d´Angouleme`s
great diadem was a financial reserve from which he drew when he wished
to make wedding prestents to the children of his siter Louise, wife
of Carlo III, Duke of Parma. He had given five large stones to each
of the following brides:
1. La Pauvre Pia,
first wife of Duke Robert of Parma in 1869 she died in 1882
2. Adelgonde, who married Enrico, Count of Bardi, younger brother of
Duke Robert, in 1876, in 1876
3. Maria Antionia, who married Duke Robert as his second wife in 1884.
These fifteen diamonds were valued at 72000 francs. In addition there
were 162 stones set into nine necklaces, valued at 120 000 francs, two
large brilliants valued at 20 000 and 12 000 francs respectively and
a group of smaller stones valued at 23 000 francs making a total of
247 000 francs as the value of the diadem.
soucre:Diana Scarisbrick
Diademe de diamants
diamants Exécutée
pour la duchesse d'Angoulême à partir d'éléments de la parure de diamants
l'impératrice Marie-Louise. Ancienne collection des Diamants de la Couronne