Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Jussupow Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection perlengarniturLovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupovadiamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Jussupow Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection perlengarniturLovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupovadiamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s Romanov jewels jewelry jewellery romanoff tsar tsarina grand duchess Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Jussupow Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection perlengarniturLovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupovadiamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupova
diamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,collector of fine jewellery, jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,collecting,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov, Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`sperlentropfen Romanov jewels jewelry jewellery romanoff tsar tsarina grand duchess Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Jussupow Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection perlengarniturLovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupovadiamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s
grosse Perlen Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem The collections begun in the eighteenth century by Prince Nicholas were added to and enriched by his grandson, who also had a love for objets d'art. The glass cases in his study contained a large collection of snuff boxes, rock crystal cups filled with precious stones and other bric-a-brac. He had inherited a passion for jewels from his grandmother, Princess Tatiana. He always carried a doeskin purse full of unset gems which he loved to handle and display to his friends. I well remember that in my childhood -Felix-I used to play with one of his pearls and roll it on a table, it was a specimen of such perfect shape and luster that my family thought it too beautiful to be pierced!

Perlendiadem Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Jussupow Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection perlengarniturLovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupovadiamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s Perlenkette Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebeskn Perlen Diadem Loversknots Tiara |Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Jussupow Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection perlengarniturLovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupovadiamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s
schönsten perlen Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das  Liebesknoten  Perlen Diadem Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Jussupow Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection perlengarniturLovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupovadiamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s Romanov jewels jewelry jewellery romanoff tsar tsarina grand duchess loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupova
diamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s perleloversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupova
diamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s Tatiana Jussoupova was the mother of Zenaide 1861-1939 and 
            born as Countess Tatiana Alexandrovna de Ribeaupierre Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Jussupow Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection perlengarniturLovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupovadiamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s famous pearls loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupova
diamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s
perleloversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupova
diamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s perlen Schmuckloversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupova
diamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s Count Felix Sumarokov-Elstone, later Prince Yusupov Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Jussupow Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection perlengarniturLovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupovadiamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s love knot tiara loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupova
diamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s Love knot  Tiara |Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Jussupow Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection perlengarniturLovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupovadiamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s
Romanov jewels jewelry jewellery romanoff tsar tsarina grand duchess Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Jussupow Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection perlengarniturLovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupovadiamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupova
diamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s Diamond tiara consisting of 19 diamond arches with pearls hanging from lover's know bows Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Jussupow Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection perlengarniturLovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupovadiamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupova
diamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s Romanov jewels jewelry jewellery romanoff tsar tsarina grand duchess Lovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Jussupow Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection perlengarniturLovers Knot`s Tiara with Pearls and Diamonds|Imperial Russia Jusupov Collection - Das Liebesknoten Perlen Diadem loversknot,lover knots,loversknots,pearls,perlen,youssoupoff,diamant,russia,rußland,Princess tatiana Yussupovadiamonds,treasure trove,jewel,platin,principe Jussopoff,schmuck,jewels,passion,jewellery,jewelry,perle,Perlentropfen,love knot,Jussupow,jewels,Jusopov, Jussopov,Yusopov,Jussupow Lovers Knot`s

Loversknot Tiara | Imperial Jussupov Collection - Das "Liebesknoten" Perlen Diadem

Diese Perlen-Tiara gehörte schon Prinzessin Tatyana Alexandrovna Yusupova.
Das Ornament wird als Liebesknoten bezeichnet und es gibt ca 5 Versionen dieses Diadems, populärste Version ist die des englischen Königshauses und war das Diadem von Kronprinzessin Diana.

Oben ein Gemälde aus dem Jahr 1858 der russischen Prinzessin von Winterhalter mit den wunderbaren tropfenförmigen grossen Perlen, die in einer Reihe frei nach unten hängend an 19 Bögen und nach oben als Zinnen stehen befestigt sind, unterbrochen von diamantbesetzten Schlaufen, den sog. Liebesknoten
Dies Diadem ist auch auf einem Bild im Vordergrund, von der Sichtung der Juwelen 1925 durch die Bolschewiken, nach Auffindung des versteckten Juwelenschatzes der Jusupovs. Unter einer Treppe des Palastes, eingepackt im Inneren von lebensechten Schwänen aus Silber von Faberge fand man sie durch Zufall als eine Stufe durchbrach und repariert werden musste.



Diamond tiara consisting of 19 diamond arches with pearl drops hanging from lover's know bows, topped with pear shaped pearls

Above a painting of Princess Tatyana Alexandrovna Yusupova by Winterhalter in 1858, wearing a Lover Knot Pearl Tiara, with hanging perls-drops, the pearls would fit behind the small daimond bows - love knots in diamond setting and pearl spikes. True lover´s knot are double knot made with two bows on each side, interlacing each other and with two ends. Tatiana Jussoupova was the mother of Zenaide 1861-1939.


Royal Imperial Jusupov Emerald - Diamond - Stomacher | Jussupow Imperialer Smaragd Brustschmuck

Important Ruby - Diamond - Necklace |Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov | Rubin Diamant Kette

Yussupov Chaumet Emerald Diamond Tiara | |Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov|Smaragd Diamant Diadem von Chaumet

Jusupov | Royal Imperial Russia Chaumet Ruby Bowknot Devant de Corsage

Ruby Diamond Chaumet Bandeau Jusupovtiara| | Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov|Royal Imperial Rubin Diamant Stirnband

Ruby Diamond Chaumet Bandeau Jusupov TIara | Ruby Parure Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov | Royal Imperial

Chaumet Diamants Bleu Aigrette| Blue Diamonds Devante de Corsage|Yusupov Boucheron Stomacher | Bows and Ribbon Russian Imperial Court Jewelry|Youssoupoff Treasure

Queen Marie Antoinette's Diamond Drops Earrings France | Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov|| Königin Marie-Antoinette's Diamanttropfen

Sapphire - Diamond Coronet | Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov|Saphir Diamant Krönchen - Diadem in Weissgold

Princess Irina`s Wedding Tiara | Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov| Irina Alexandrovna Yousupova CARTIER Diamond Wedding Diadem

Princess Irina`s Wedding Necklace bridal gift from the Czar Diamond Riviere| Imperial Royal Jewel History Romanov Jusupov| Cartiers Wedding Necklace

Princess Irina Yusupova's Diamond Sunburst Tiara| CHAUMET Art Deco Diademe Imperial Jewelry History

LA PELEGRINA and the Black Azra Pearl |Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov | Die PELEGRINA Perle und die schwarze Azra Perle

Youssoupoff La Pelegrina | Imperial Russia | History Famous Pearl

Diamond flower Tiara Anna| Queen Marie Antoinette's Diamond Earrings | Marjorie Merriweather Post| Eleanor Close Barzin Berkassy | Important Royal Jewels



All Lovers Knot`s Pearl Tiara Diadem | Five Loversknot Tiaras| the famous Pearl Tiara | Royal Jewel History

Youssupov - Lover Knot´s Pearl Tiara | | Loversknot Tiara Pearl Diadem| Lovers knots| Youssoupff Tropfen-Perlen Diadem mit dem Liebesknoten Ornament

Bavaria Lover Knot´s Pearl Tiara | | Loversknot Tiara Pearl Diadem | Lovers knots | Wittelsbacher Tropfen-Perlen Diadem mit dem Liebesknoten Ornament der Königin Therese

Bavaria Loversknots Pearl Tiara | | Loversknot Tiara Pearl Diadem| Lovers knots| Loversknots-Perlendiadem mit Diamanten Königin Amalie von Griechenland

Queen Amalia of Greece | Loversknot Tiara Pearl Diadem| Lovers knots Königin Amalie von Griechenland mit dem Diadem aus dem Haus Wittelsbach



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