Aus dem Juwelen-Album der Großfürstin Xenia Alexandrowna.
Weitere Geschenke sind aus der Schmuck Kollection der
Großfürstin Xenia Alexandrowna von Russland, bekannt geworden die Nummer 79 Ihrer Broschen:
Große Pinkfarbene Tropfenperle mit zwei Diamanten als Herzbrosche in einem Diamantrahmen "Brosche von Onkel Sergei und von Tante Ella 25.03.1889.."
Above is illustrated a part of the important jewellery of Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna Romanov, which was drawn by her in her jewel album No 79.
A large natural pink pearl drop as center of a heart brooch, surroundet with diamonds. On top of the pearl two larger diamonds in leaf design are setted "Brooch from Oncle Sergei and Aunt Ella 25.03.1889..
Oncle Sergei was Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich of Russia (Сергей Александрович; 11 May 1857 – 17 February 1905) so the fifth son and seventh child of Emperor Alexander II of Russia. He was an influential figure during the reigns of his brother Emperor Alexander III of Russia and his nephew Emperor Nicholas II, who was also his brother-in-law through Sergei's marriage to Elizabeth, the sister of Tsarina Alexandra.
Grand Duke the brother of her father and his wife Grand Duchess Ella, Elizabeth of Hesse.
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