Prinzessin Anna von Sachsen, Erzherzogin von Österreich | Diamant Blumen und Blüten Diadem Schmuck & JuwelenPrinzessin Anna von Sachsen, Erzherzogin von Österreich | Diamant Blumen und Blüten Diadem Schmuck & JuwelenDer Sohn von Erzherzogin Auguste heiratete 1924,auf Schloss Sybillenort bei Breslau, die jüngste Tochter des früheren Königs von Sachsen.
Obwohl Marjorie Post die Mehrheit ihrer historischen Schmucksachen, selbst gekauft hat, ist dies eine bemerkenswerte Ausnahme, da es ein Geschenk von ihrem Mann Joseph E. Davies war.
Royal Tiara of Diamond blossoms flowers and Princess Anna of Saxony| Archduchess of Austria | Royal Jewels
The tiara was inherited by Princess Anna Monika Pia of Saxony, who married Archduke Joseph Franz of Austria in 1924, see the picture above. It remained in her possession until it became the property of a jeweler in Budapest in 1930. A 1931 affidavit signed by her husband's secretary to certify the tiara's provenance coincides with this change in ownership... Marjorie Post became its happy owner a few years later. In a photo album chronicling her 1937 trip to Vienna, she wrote 'Though Marjorie Post purchased the majority of her historic jewelry, a floral tiara dating to the 1830s is a notable exception, in that it was a gift from her husband, Joseph E. Davies...The light and airy floral tiara originally belonged to the royal house of Saxony." The tiara, named 'Anna', was given by Marjorie Post to the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History. Earlier, her daughter Eleanor Close Barzin Berkasse, which life at Paris wore the diamond tiara.
Thanks to Laura for the information and John for the picture, about the Post/Saxony tiara.
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Prinzessin Anna von Sachsen, Erzherzogin von Österreich | Diamant Blumen und Blüten Diadem Schmuck & JuwelenTiara of Diamond blossoms flowers and Princess Anna of Saxony| Archduchess of Austria | Royal Jewels| Marjorie Merriweather Post TiaraDiamond flower tiara Anna | Marjorie Merriweather Post| Eleanor Close Barzin Berkassy | Important JewelsMethun Tiara | Diamond Morning glory, blossoms flowers| Majorie Merriweather Post | Royal Jewels
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