Jewels - Louise Margaret Duchess of Connaught | Princess of Prussia | Schmuck von Luise Margarete Prinzessin von Preussen, Herzogin von Connaught #royal #royalty #royalfamily #royaljewels #indian #tiara #diadem #emerald #diamond #queenvictoria #duchessofconnaught  #style #history #fashion #england #uk #britain #connaught #monarchy #britishmonarchy #britishroyals #britishroyalfamily Jewels - Louise Margaret Duchess of Connaught | Princess of Prussia | Schmuck von Luise Margarete Prinzessin von Preussen, Herzogin von Connaught Jewels - Louise Margaret Duchess of Connaught | Princess of Prussia | Schmuck von Luise Margarete Prinzessin von Preussen, Herzogin von Connaught Jewels - Louise Margaret Duchess of Connaught | Princess of Prussia | Schmuck von Luise Margarete Prinzessin von Preussen, Herzogin von Connaught Jewels - Louise Margaret Duchess of Connaught | Princess of Prussia | Schmuck von Luise Margarete Prinzessin von Preussen, Herzogin von Connaught Jewels - Louise Margaret Duchess of Connaught | Princess of Prussia | Schmuck von Luise Margarete Prinzessin von Preussen, Herzogin von Connaught königlicher Schmuck von Luise Margarete Prinzessin von Preussen, Herzogin von Connaught Jewels - Louise Margaret Duchess of Connaught | Princess of Prussia | Schmuck von Luise Margarete Prinzessin von Preussen, Herzogin von Connaught königlicher Schmuck von Luise Margarete Prinzessin von Preussen, Herzogin von Connaught königlicher Schmuck von Luise Margarete Prinzessin von Preussen, Herzogin von Connaught königlicher Schmuck von Luise Margarete Prinzessin von Preussen, Herzogin von Connaught

Royal Jewelery | Duchess of Connaught

Schmuck von Luise Margarete Prinzessin von Preussen, Herzogin von Connaught

Das Armband aus Diamanten mit Perlen, herzförmig angeordnet und mit einer Krone wurde von den Brautjungfern anlässlich der Hochzeit and die zukünftige Herzogin von Connaught überreicht.

Royal Diamond Pearl Bracelet and Jewels | Duchess of Connaught

This bracelet with diamonds and two wonderful pearls was a gift of the bridesmaids to Princess Louise Margaret Alexandra Victoria Agnes of Prussia on the occasion of her marriage to the Duke of Connaught.
The Times March 14, 1879 wrote: Immediately after the wedding the bridesmaids presented her Royal Highness the Duchess of Connaught with a very handsome and costly bracelet, specially designed as a memento of the auspicious event. It is composed of the finest brilliants and pearls, the centre representing two hearts united of large Oriental pearls, surrounded by rows of brilliants and surmounted by the Royal crown; the whole being encircled by a wreath of myrtle leaves springing from a marguerite; and the sides of the bracelet being formed of smaller marguerites entwined with myrtle-leaves.
The bridesmaids, the daughters of dukes, marquises and earls, according to Court precedence, have their names engraved on the beautiful jewel in the following form: Ela Russel, Georgiana Churchill, Adelaide Taylour, Blanche Conyngham, Victoria Edgcumbe, Cecilia Hay, Louisa Bruce, Mabel Bridgeman - March 13th 1879.
The bracelet was designed and made by Mr C.J. Hill (Catchpole and Williams) Oxford-street.

Another magazine wrote about the gift of the Bridesmaids:

The bracelet of pearls and diamonds "… is of unique design consisting of two heart-shaped pearls, surrounded by rows of finest brilliants surmounted by a Royal Crown of whole pearls and brilliants. A wreath of myrtle leaves, also in brilliants, encircles the whole, and as the Royal bride's name is in German, "Marguerite," that flower has been interlaced in the centre, and smaller blossoms, entwined with leaves of pearls and diamonds, form the sides of the bracelet centre." Source: The Graphic Royal Wedding Number, March 20, 1879

Another picture of bride and the bridesmaids >>

Louise Margaret Princess of Prussia, Duchess of Connaught Wedding | Hochzeit

Duchess of Connaught Pearls |Royal Jewels Perlen Hochzeits-Geschenk an die Prinzessin von Preussen

Duchess of Connaught Royal Jewelry | Königlicher Schmuck der Herzogin von Connaught

Royal Bride and Bridesmaids Prussia Connaught | Juwelen Geschenke and die Herzogin von Connaught

Connaught Diamond Stars| Duchess Jewelry| Diamant Sterne der Herzogin

Turkish Diamond Rosettes Necklace| Fringe Tiara | Royal Jewels |Türkischen Diamanten im Collier

Diamond Bow Brooch |Royal Jewellry | Diamantschleife als Brosche der preussischen Prinzesssin

Indian Diadem of Diamonds and Emeralds | Royal Tiara Connaught Jewel| Wedding Gift from Queen Victoria

Pearshaped Emerald Necklace Emerald Brooch| Mughal 3-row Dropshaped Emerald Collier|Royal Jewels - Louise Margaret Duchess of Connaught | Princess of Prussia

Princess Patricia of Connaught | Indian Diadem of Diamonds and Emeralds | Stomacher Brooch Royal Jewel | Wedding Gift from Queen Victoria

Royal Ruby Diamond Star | Gift of Imperial Russia-Prussia| Duchess of Connaught

Princess Patricia of Connaught | Lady Pat Ramsey Diamond Fringe Tiara Royal Jewels >>

Alexandra Duchess of Fife | Royal Diamond Jewels Fringe Tiara |Princess Arthur of Connaught

Large Diamond Stomacher with Diamond Fringes Devante de Corsage| Duchess of Connaught Princess of Prussia |Princess Arthur Royal Jewel History



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