Corbeille de Mariage Edith Vanderbilt Dresser Stuyvesant | Boucheron Rubis CollierLES BIJOUX DES MILLIARDAIRES. Précisément, nous avons sous les yeuy la description du collier que George W. Vanderbilt a passé au cou de sa fiancée le jour du mariage. Ce collier est estimé 750.000 francs à lui seul. Il se compose de cinq énormes rubis, de la teinte si recherchée appelée sang de pigeon. Ces cinq pierres valent 600.000 francs, soit 120.000 francs l'une; 150.000 francs de diamants ont été employés dans la garniture. Au dessous s'étagent des girandoles de diamants, supportant huit magnifiques solitaires d'une eau et d'un éclat incomparables. Pour comble de galanterie, M. George W. Vanderbilt a enveloppé cette merveillle dans une police d'assurance contractée au profit de sa femme pour une somme de cinq millions .
THE JEWELS OF BILLIONAIRES. Precisely, we have the spot on the necklace that George W. Vanderbilt put around his fiancée's neck on the wedding day. These five stones are worth 600,000 francs, or 120,000 francs each; 150,000 francs of diamonds were used in the decoration. Below are diamond garlands, supporting eight magnificent solitaries of incomparable water and brilliance. To make matters worse, Mr. George W. Vanderbilt wrapped this marvel in an insurance policy for his wife for $5 million.
Edith Vanderbilt Dresser Stuyvesant Jewels| Boucheron Ruby Diamond Tiara and Brooch| Ruby Parure Wedding GiftsMiss Dresser's wedding gown was first worn by her grandmother early in the century, and also quite recently by the bride's two sisters, both of whom have married within the last months This unique robe is of superb old lace in Empire form, and Miss Dresser wore it over a wnite satin slip. The Court train was also of white satin, and the wedding veil was originally worn by the mother the bride.
The wedding presents of Miss Edith Dresser, who was married Mr. George Vanderbilt on the 2nd of June 1898, in Paris. As may well be imagined, they are magnificent. A diamond necklace with three pear-shaped diamonds forming pendants is the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt; The bridegroom's engagement gift to the bride was the rubies and diamonds, bodice ornament, see above. The diamonds in the original brooch were marquise or navette cut stones, estimated that the piece’s 46 diamonds were in five different sizes—from 6mm long (just under a quarter of an inch) to 14mm long (a bit more than half an inch). Which was part of a set that also included a choker necklace and tiara. see above in the picture, made by Boucheron, the French jewelry house established in 1858. Boucheron's company archivist was able to confirm that they indeed had a receipt of George Vanderbilt having purchased the set on May 7, 1898-just after his and Edith's April engagement and prior to their June wedding.
Another gift, as interesting as was beautiful, consisted of gold snuff-box bearing the Imperial monogram in diamonds. It is an antique piece, and was presented Napoleon the First to the actor, Thalma. The bride wore no jewels. The bridesmaids were carried bouquets-simply exquisite they were-of white orchids and lilies of tne valley, and wore pale green dresses with mousseline tie soie and incrustations of dentelle japne. They all wore pearl, the bride's gift.
Mr and Mrs George W. Vanderbilt are awaited at the splendid villa, Vignolo, which is fully prepared for them, and will be their residence for several months.
There's also another wedding veil with Vanderbilt family connections. Edith Stuyvesant Dresser wore her mother's Brussels rose point lace veil at her 1898 wedding to George Vanderbilt; the veil was also worn by her three sisters at their ceremonies. In 1924, the same veil was part of Cornelia Vanderbilt's bridal attire when she wed the Honorable John Francis Amherst Cecil. You can see a reproduction of Edith and Cornelia's veil on display in The Biltmore Legacy as part of the Fashionable Romance exhibition. Sources: The Times;:Exeter and Plymouth Gazette; Globe; La Revue des revues; Recreating a Masterpiece: Edith's Boucheron Brooch;herald tribune;
Edith Vanderbilt Dresser Stuyvesant Jewels| Boucheron Ruby Diamond Tiara and Brooch| Ruby Parure Wedding GiftsCorbeille de Mariage Edith Vanderbilt Dresser Stuyvesant | Boucheron Rubis Collier
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