Smaragde der Grossfürstin Maria Pawlowna  - Grand Duchess Vladimir
Mitglied des russischen Kaiserhauses, darunter die gebürtige deutsche
Großfürstin Maria Pavlovna,geb. Herzogin von Mecklenburg-Schwerin
klassische Diademe und Colliers waren bei Sammlerinnen wie der Grossfürstin Wladimir begehrt,es ging eine Vielzahl der Juwelen des russischen Adels während der Revolution verloren
Smaragde der Grossfürstin Maria Pawlowna  - Grand Duchess Vladimir| Treasures of the russian Grand Duchess Maria Pawlowna
Smaragde der Grossfürstin Maria Pawlowna  - Grand Duchess Vladimir
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Smaragde der Grossfürstin Maria Pawlowna  - Grand Duchess Vladimir

Smaragd Collier der GrossfürstinMaria Pavlovna

Die Großherzogin Vladimir,geb. Herzogin von Mecklenburg-Schwerin oben im Bild in einem Boyaren- Kostüm anlässlich eines Kostümballs mit ihrer Smaragd-Schmuck-Collection, verteilt auf den Kokoschnik, Brust, Knöpfen, Collier, Armband und Ohren.
Beeindruckend mit ihren Smaragden gepanzert, hatte die Fürstin im Urteil der gesellschaftlichen Chronik allen übrigen Schmuck in den Schatten gestellt, wenn sie im vollen Ornat an den Cotillons bei Boni de Castellane im Palais Rose erschien.

Die vielleicht größte private Schmucksammlung vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg, die Juwelen der Großfürstin Wladimir, waren anfangs der zwanziger Jahre bereits in alle Winde zerstreut. Die Großfürstin war aus Rußland Ende 1919 geflohen, über Rumänien, wo sie ihrer Nichte Marie (der Königin von Rumänien), die ganz vernarrt in Saphire war, bereits Ihr herrrliches Saphir-Diadem verkaufte.

Ihre Schmuckschatulle wurde damals unter ihren vier Kinder aufgeteilt. Sohn Boris erhielt die Smaragde und verkauft den 107 karätigen Smaragd sowie das herrliche Smaragdcollier, eine russische Arbeit des 19. Jahhunderts an Cartier.

Die legendären Smaragde fanden im Zuge der Zeit ihren Weg nach Amerika...weiter zum 2. Teil

The Grand Duchess Vladimir in a native Boyar costume, wearing her emeralds displayed on her breast, head-jewel, as necklace, earrings, bracelets and brooches.

About the Grand-Duchess........BERLIN, September 3 1900. A serious quarrel has broken out between the Czar and his aunt, the Grand Duchess of Vladimir, which has had the result of causing her husband, the Grand Duke, to tender the resignation of his office as Commander of the Metropolitan Military District of St. Petersburg and of the Imperial Guard.

The trouble, which has not only set all Russian society by the ears, but has also perturbed several courts, including that of Emperor William, is due to a question of baccarat and roulette. Last spring the Czar, alarmed by the extraordinary increase of the scandals at court, in society and in the army due to high play, issued an edict strictly forbidding baccarat or roulette.

This ukase followed almost immediately the startling discovery made by Nicholas that the chapter of one of the principal churches of the metropolis had pawned the church plate and jeweled icons to pay gambling debts contracted at baccarat and roulette.

By the army and clergy the Emperor's commands have been obeyed, and baccarat has stopped at the Yacht and other leading clubs. But society has treated the imperial edict with something very much akin to derision, and this is largely owing to the attitude adopted by the Grand Duchess Vladimir.

The latter is a German Princess by birth, and the only foreign woman who has declined to change the faith in which she was reared for that of her husband on marriage. The Grand Duchess is passionately addicted to gambling. To her is due the introduction of the roulette table as an article of furniture in the saloons of most of the palaces an mansions of St. Petersburg, and the edict of her nephew in no way modified her openly proclaimed determination to visit no house and to attend no entertainment where roulette and baccarat were not provided for her amusement. As the Grand Duchess is the most dashing member of the imperial family and the acknowledged leader of St. Petersburg society, from which the Czar and Czarina hold wholly aloof, the great world of the Russian Capital has ignored the ukase of the Emperor and taken the cue from his aunt.

On discovering the manner in which his orders were defied and the part which the Grand Duchess has played in the matter, the Czar intimated to her that unless she set an example of obedience to his behest he would reluctantly be compelled to visit her with a public token of his displeasure by banishing her for a time from court and depriving her of the use of the imperial liveries and of imperial honors.

The San Francisco Chronicle, September 4, 1900


Smaragd-Collier der Grossfürstin Maria Pawlowna |Royal Imperial Jewels of the Romanov |Emerald Collier of Grand Duchess Maria Pawlowna

Smaragd-Halsband II.Teil der Grossfürstin Vladimir |Imperial Jewels Romanov|The Emerald-Necklace of Grand Duchess Vladimir Part II

Smaragd-Brosche der Grossfürstin Maria Pawlowna |Imperial Jewellery Romanov|The Emerald-Brooch of Grand Duchess Maria Pawlowna

5 Generation mit der russischen Strahlen-Tiara der Grossfürstin Wladimir |
The Fringe-Tiara of Grand-Duchess Wladimir|Imperial Romanov Jewels

Imperial Court Collier with important Sapphires, Romanov Sapphire Necklace Grand Duchess Vladimir|Russia Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna

Russia Imperial Court Collier with important Sapphires| Romanov Sapphire Necklace Pear shaped large Sapphire | Grand Duchess Vladimir| Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna

Diamond Stomacher with Fringes| Chaumet | Devante de Corsage| Large Diamond Fringe Tiara Kokoshnik| Grand Duchess Vladimir

Diamond Stomacher with Fringes| Chaumet | Devante de Corsage| Large Diamond Fringe Tiara Kokoshnik| Grand Duchess Vladimir

Double Bow Devante de Corsage with Diamonds|Maria Pavlovna of Russia| Grand Duchess Vladimir Imperial Jewelry Romanov

Waterfall Briolettes Tiara |Diamond Aigrette Chaumet Cartier |Maria Pavlovna of Russia| Grand Duchess Vladimir Imperial Jewelry Romanov


Juwelen der Grossfürstin Maria Pawlowna | Imperial Jewellery of the Romanoff The Treasure of Grand Duchess Maria Pawlaowna

Saphir Diamant Brosche Faberge | Romanov Juwelen |Grossfürstin Maria Pawlowna von Rußland

Faberge Sapphire & Diamond Brooch Romanov Jewelry | Grand Duchess Helena Vladimirovna |Royal Imperial Jewels Princess of Greece

Die Türkis Diamant - Ohrringe der Zarin Katharina der Grossen | Romanov Grossfürstin Vladimir |Prinzessin Olga von Jugoslawien

Catherine II turquoise and diamond pendent earrings|Romanov Imperial Jewels

Grand Duchess Vladimir Imperial Sapphires Romanov Jewels

Grand Duchess Vladimir Imperial Romanov Jewellery Saphire| Royal Diadem Tiara

Romanoff Tiara und Parure mit Saphiren der Großfürstin Wladimir | Zaren Schmuck Imperiale Juwelen

Romanov Imperial Ruby Tiara Stomacher of Rubies and Diamonds | Marie Pavlovan Grand Duchess Vladimir`s Rubies



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