Jewels of Queen Mother Elizabeth| Schmuck und Juwelen der Königin Mutter Elizabet bracelet, present, queen Alexandra, princess of wales, Queen Mother Elizabeth orginal Greville Tiara Queen Mum jewels -jewellery  BRIDAL PRESENT PRINCESS or WALES  the National Token intended as a bridal present from the Ladies of South Wales to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales - later Queen Alexandra Smaragdarmband antik, schmuck, antikschmuck, alter schmuck kaufen und verkaufen, gold,email,diamantin Kissenform, smaragdkugeln,perlen,edelsteine Jewels of Queen Mother Elizabeth  BRIDAL PRESENT PRINCESS or WALES  the National Token intended as a bridal present from the Ladies of South Wales to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales - later Queen Alexandra bracelet, present, queen Alexandra, princess of wales, Queen Mother Elizabeth  BRIDAL PRESENT PRINCESS or WALES  the National Token intended as a bridal present from the Ladies of South Wales to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales - later Queen Alexandra orginal Greville Tiara Queen Mum jewels -jewellery Smaragdarmband antik, schmuck, antikschmuck, alter schmuck kaufen und verkaufen, gold,email,diamantin Kissenform, smaragdkugeln,perlen,edelsteine Goldschmuck,Saphirschmuck,smaragdschmuck, schmuck für den Abend, Tagesschmuck  BRIDAL PRESENT PRINCESS or WALES  the National Token intended as a bridal present from the Ladies of South Wales to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales - later Queen Alexandra Smaragdarmband antik, schmuck, antikschmuck, alter schmuck kaufen und verkaufen, gold,email,diamantin Kissenform, smaragdkugeln,perlen,edelsteine bracelet, present, queen Alexandra, princess of wales, Queen Mother Elizabeth BRIDAL PRESENT PRINCESS or WALES  the National Token intended as a bridal present from the Ladies of South Wales to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales - later Queen Alexandra Ladies of South Wales Brooch,Bracelet,Diamond,emerald,geschenk,reine,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,princess,present,gifts,wales,schmuck,jewels,englisch,english,royalty,Queen Mum,goldankauf,Elisabeth,Alexandra,dronning,drottning,noble Goldschmuck,Saphirschmuck,smaragdschmuck, schmuck für den Abend, Tagesschmuck  BRIDAL PRESENT PRINCESS or WALES  the National Token intended as a bridal present from the Ladies of South Wales to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales - later Queen Alexandra Smaragdarmband antik, schmuck, antikschmuck, alter schmuck kaufen und verkaufen, gold,email,diamantin Kissenform, smaragdkugeln,perlen,edelsteine orginal Greville Tiara Queen Mum jewels -jewellery  BRIDAL PRESENT PRINCESS or WALES  the National Token intended as a bridal present from the Ladies of South Wales to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales - later Queen Alexandra Diamantschmuck, Brillantschmuck,Diamanten,Brillanten,Diamantsachverständiger,Diamanthandel,Diamantgutachter bracelet, present, queen Alexandra, princess of wales, Queen Mother Elizabeth  BRIDAL PRESENT PRINCESS or WALES  the National Token intended as a bridal present from the Ladies of South Wales to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales - later Queen Alexandra emailliertes Spruchband mit einem Motto als Geschenk, in walisisch, gorsser Smaragd umrahmt mit BrillantenBRIDAL PRESENT PRINCESS or WALES  the National Token intended as a bridal present from the Ladies of South Wales to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales - later Queen Alexandra Smaragdarmband antik, schmuck, antikschmuck, alter schmuck kaufen und verkaufen, gold,email,diamantin Kissenform, smaragdkugeln,perlen,edelsteine Diamantschmuck, Brillantschmuck,Diamanten,Brillanten,Diamantsachverständiger,Diamanthandel,Diamantgutachter orginal Greville Tiara Queen Mum jewels -jewellery  BRIDAL PRESENT PRINCESS or WALES  the National Token intended as a bridal present from the Ladies of South Wales to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales - later Queen Alexandra bracelet, present, queen Alexandra, princess of wales, Queen Mother Elizabeth  BRIDAL PRESENT PRINCESS or WALES  the National Token intended as a bridal present from the Ladies of South Wales to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales - later Queen Alexandra

Jewels of Queen Mother Elizabeth| Schmuck und Juwelen der Königin Mutter Elizabeth

Elisabeth die Königinmutter trug das Armband mit dem Nationalemblem von Süd Wales.

Die Damen von Süd Wales machten Alexandra Prinzessin von Wales, anlässlich der Hochzeit mit Edward dem Kronprinzen von England, ein kunstvolles und kostbares Kleinod zum Geschenk.

Es ist eine zweiteilige Brosche und ein passendes Armband mit Smaragden, Gold, Perlen und Diamanten.
Als Zentrales Element ist der Lauch, das Waliser National Emblem, als Mittelpunkt - eingebunden im Rahmen aus Diamanten, das Spruchband mit dem Motto in Walisisch: O Ddeheudir Cymru Iddeu TywysogesMay God preserve our own Princess.
Die Blätter des Lauchs sind aus Smaragden gebildet, die Wurzeln in Gold mit einer grossen barocken Perle, gefertigt wie ein Medaillon, dessen Fläche kleine Diamanten eingesetzt sind. Die Knospen aus Perlen.

Das Orginalset mit Brosche als Geschenk der Ladies von Süd Wales >>


Jewels of Queen Alexandra

Bracelet and a Badge the royal wedding gifts from the Ladies of South Wales| Queen Alexandra

The wedding present from the Ladies of South Wales to Alexandra Princess of Wales had two elements. National Token from South Wales to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales.

A meeting of the ladies treasurers of the several counties of South Wales took place on Thursday, the 11th inst., 5, Buckingham Gate, the residence of the Countess Dowager of Dunraven.
There were present— the Countess Dowager of Dunraven in the chair, Lady- Frances Pratt, Lady Jane Walsh, Lady Catherine Allen, Lady Mary Williams, Lady Llanover, and Mrs. Saunders Davies.
The designs of five of the principal jewellers in London were submitted for selection, and Messrs. Hunt and Roskell were the successful competitors. The objects chosen for the token consists of two beautiful ornaments the finest jewellery (emeralds, diamonds, and pearls), the one being a bouquet of trefoil, oak, wheat, and mistletoe (the Bardic emblems of the four quarters of the year), with a jewel of the badge of the Principality (the Leek), the leaves of emeralds, the stem and fibres of pearls, on a pave (or ground) fine brilliants, with three pendants, the centre an enamel St. David (the patron saint of Wales, and archbishop of Caerleon).

On one side the banner of Wales (the red dragon) in rubies, on green and white field emeralds and diamonds; on the other side the arms Wales (the lions) also represented jewels, the frames of the pendants richly studded with gems. The other ornament is bracelet of emeralds and diamonds representing in the most artistic designs the emblems of Wales, entwined with ribbon bearing Welsh motto brilliants. The amount the order is £2000.

The BRACELET was set with Diamonds and Emeralds: A Leek in Pearls being introduced into the design; the surrounding jewelled band presenting the legend in the Welsh language:

Also, a BADGE in Diamonds and Emeralds with the Leek; surmounted by a Bouquet composed of the bardic emblems of the seasons, Trefoil, Oak, Wheat and Mistletoe. This also bears a motto in Welsh:



From the press in the year 1957: ....for the St. John County Ball in aid of the Devon St. John Ambulance Association and Brigade, which took place at the Imperial Hotel, Torquay. Between four and five hundred guests were received in the large ballroom by the County President of St. John, the Earl of Fortescue, who is Lord Lieutenant of Devonshire, with Countess Fortescue looking charming in a pastel brocade dress, and Countess Mountbatten of Burma, Superintendent-in- Chief St. John Ambulance Brigade, who looked very chic in a long black satin evening dress with the deep pink ribbon of the Order of the Grand Cross of the British Empire and her impressive row of decorations, with a fine diamond necklace and other jewels.

The ballroom was decorated with clusters of coloured balloons and the very attractive and inspiring St. John posters painted by Anna Zinkeisen. In the foyer of the hotel, a tombola was arranged with a great number of prizes, which had all been presented for the occasion this realized a good sum for the Brigade, as did a raffle for a number of other attrac tive prizes.

At midnight there was a parade, compered by Mr. Eric Payne, of magnificent jewels valued at a quarter of a million pounds, which had been very kindly lent for the occasion by the Crown Jewellers, Messrs. Garrard Co. of Regent Street, who had sent them down by train with members of their staff.

They were worn and displayed by six very kind ladies who live in the neighbourhood. Lady Twysden who looked exceptionally chic in a midnight blue satin sheath dress, wore a sapphire and diamond, and a ruby and diamond set, both of great value and exquisite workmanship. Mrs. Hugh Goodson looking most attractive in silver and white brocade, showed a superb aquamarine and diamond set . The Mayoress of Torquay in a white evening dress displayed a fine diamond set including a magnificent tiara, and others who wore lovely sets of jewels in the parade were Mrs. J. E. Astley, Mrs. Llewellyn, and Mrs. Wynne-Griffiths.

Later the jewels were on view in a private room with a magnificent emerald, diamond and pearl brooch pendant in a glass case which had been kindly lent for the occasion by the Queen Mother. (It was the wedding present to Queen Alexandra from the Ladies of Wales)

Others who came to the ball to help this very good cause were the Mayor of Torquay, Sir Henry and Lady Imbert-Terry, Brig. Sir Ralph and Lady Rayner, Sir William Twysden, Sir William and Lady Williams, Brig, and Mrs. C. E. A. Browning, Lt.-Col. Bacon the Chief Constable of Devon, who was chairman of the ball committee, Lady Crookshank, Lady Sebright, Brig, and Mrs. Hudson, General Dening, Major T. W. Gracey, County Commissioner of St. John, and Mrs. Gracey, whom earlier in the evening I had met working hard putting finishing touches to display boards, and Major Grant who organized the ball. I was sad to have to leave the glorious sunshine of Torquay................

The Magnificent Emerald, Diamond and Pearl BROOCH PENDANT graciously loaned by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother together with the Fine Jewels worn for the Parade at the St. John County Ball will be on view in the PERSIAN ROOM at the IMPERIAL HOTEL TORQUAY on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th, 1957 between 12 noon ano 1.30 p.m. and 7 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. Mr. Cecil Mann, M.V.O. and Mr. Eric Payne of the Crown Jewellers MESSRS. GARRARD & CO.. LTD. 112 REGENT STREET, LONDON W.l will be present to answer any enquiries A Collection will be taken on behalf of the Devon St. John Ambulance Association and Brigade ...Torquay Times, and South Devon Advertiser




The bracelet was frequently worn by Queen Elizabeth both while Queen and Queen Mother. The bracelet worn by the Queen Mother >>

Special thanks to Laura!!

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Queen Alexandras Wedding gifts:

Brooch of the Ladies of North Wales | Royal Wedding Present Queen Alexandra >>
Emerald Brooche and Emerald earpendant a gift of the Ladies of North Wales |Royal Wedding Present Queen Alexandra >>
Rundell Tiara | Das Rundell Diadem der englischen Königin >>
Indian Necklace of Diamonds and Emeralds |Royal Wedding Present Queen Alexandra | Indisches Halsband >>
National Token of South Wales of Diamonds and Emeralds | Gift of the Ladies of South Wales |Royal Wedding Present Queen Alexandra >>
Dagmar Necklace with Pearls |Royal Wedding Present Queen Alexandra | Dagmar Kreuz Collier mit Perlen >>
Demi Parure with Opals ||Royal Wedding Present Queen Alexandra | Opalschmuck - Geschenk der Königin Victoria >>
Diamond necklace and earrings presented by the Corporation of the City of London |Royal Wedding Present Queen Alexandra >>
Cambridge Diamond Bracelet | Turquoise Bracelet |Royal Wedding Present Queen Alexandra | Königliche Armbänder >>
Diamond Cross and Pearl Necklace presented by the Ladies of Liverpool |Bracelet presented by the Ladies of Leeds |Bracelet presented by the Ladies of Manchester>>
Bridesmaids Bracelet Royal Jewels Token | Armband - Geschenk der Brautmädchen >>
Parure of Landgrave William of Hesse and Chamberlain Juel | Parure im altenglischen Design vom Landgraf von Hessen und Juel >>
Solid Gold Parure in Runic design | Goldschmuckset mit Runen von den Einwohnern der Insel Laaland und Falster >>
Royal Wedding Memorials and Token | Erinnerungsgeschenke an die Hochzeit von Königin Alexandra
Pearl Parure of Queen Alexandra |Royal Wedding Gifts Jewel Presents | Perlen der Königin Alexandra
Emerald Diamond Flower Brooch |Queen Alexandra Royal Wedding Present | Duchess of Cambridge
Bracelet and a Badge the royal wedding gifts from the Ladies of South Wales| England Queen Alexandra
Ruby and Diamond Bracelet Royal Jewels of Queen Alexandra| Prince of Wales Ruby Bracelet| Duchess of Manchester Ruby Bracelet
Queen Alexandra Rubies and Diamond Bracelet | Wedding Gift of the Ladies of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight

more jewels :

Amethyst - Tiara | Royal Jewels Queen Alexandras Amethyst Necklace | Amethyst Schmuck
Sapphires - Collar | Silver-Weddinggift of Tsar Alexander III. | Saphir Collier
Diamond -Butterfly Brooch | Silver Wedding present from the Grand Lodge of Freemasons
Diamond - Stars Brooches |Royal Jewelry Present Queen Alexandra | Sterne mit Diamanten als Broschen
Coronation Jewels | Crown and Diamonds | Krönungsschmuck der Königin Alexandra
Ruby Diamond Choker & Bangles | Ladies of South Australia silver wedding gift | Geschenk der Damen von Süd Australien zur Silberhochzeit Royal Jewelry Present Queen Alexandra |
Diamond Fringe Kokoshnik|Queen Alexandra Royal Diadem|Silver Wedding Gift|Princess of Wales|England Royal Jewel History
Queen Victorias Diamond Jubilee Link-Chain and Bracelets | Queen Alexandra Jewels | Resille Chocker | Diamant Halsschmuck der Königin Alexandra
Queen Alexandra Emerald brooch and Emerald Ornaments | England Queen Royal Jewel History
Emerald and Diamond Brooch of the Ladies of North Wales | Royal Wedding Present Queen Alexandra| Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother on the Investiture of Prince of Wales >>
A Pair of Diamond and Pearl Bracelet and a Pair of Pearl and Diamond Bracelet|Mughal Style| Queen Alexandra |British Royal Jewels History


Queen´s Treasure

English Royal Jewels

Queen Mary Jewels


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