-Rubin Diamant Armband aus dem Nachlass der Herzogin von Manchester, Consulo Yznaga.
-Armband mit Medaillon des Prinzen von Wales zum Jahrestag ihrer Verlobung in den dänischen Farben, weiss - rot, emailliert, mit Rubinen und Diamanten.
On the 8th of September 1863, the anniversary of the betrothal of the Prince and Princess of Wales,the future Queen Alexandra, was held.
The Prince gave a beautiful present to her:
a bracelet, set with diamonds and rubies, enamelled in Danish colours and introducing his own portrait.
The monogram, surmonted by the coronet of the Princess, is most tastefully arranged, and the bracelet is altogether of a very novel and chaste work. The design was by the Prince.
Among the bequests contained in the will of Consuelo, Duchess of Manchester in Dec 1909, is one of
"My ruby and diamond bracelet which I would ask her Majesty Queen Alexandra to be graciously pleased to accept as a token of my respectful affection and regard."
estate of Late Dowager Duchess of Manchester valued at $1,624,330 more about the jewels of Consuelo Montagu, Duchess of Manchester>>
The Duchess was a member of the Marlborough House set and a friend of the Queen.
Queen Alexandra has lately had her immense collection of jewelry completely overhauled, and some portion of it is to be reset in accordance with the newest fashions of the time.
In public she wore her great jewels with diamond and pearls, and it's known, she wore rubies and sapphires, but most not pictured.
The whereabout of the ruby and diamond bracelet from Consuelo Dowager Duchess of Manchester, nothing is known yet. Probably left to one of her royal grand-grand-granddaughters?
Source:Staffordshire Sentinel and Commercial General Advertiser;Berkshire Chronicle:Essex Standard ;Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette;Berkshire Chronicle ;Hampshire Telegraph ;The Washington Post ,New York Times Dec 1909;
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