Aquamarine The Fouquet Tiara with Aquamarines, Diamonds and Pearls| Royal Aquamarine Tiara | Katherine Duchess of Kent  all diamond ablong brooch with square cluster center link wedding gift to Ptincess Marina, Duchess of Kent, art deco diamond brooch Aquamarin,Tiara,Aquamarine,duchess,Prinzessin,georges fouquet,royals,kent,royal jewels,schmuck,diademe,aique-marine,perles,parure tiaras,diadem,diamant,diamonds,perlen,private collection,Schmucksammlung,jewellry,jewellery,joaillier,Joaillerie Aquamarine - Aquamarin-Diadem der Herzogin von Kent|The Fouquet Tiara with Aquamarines,Diamonds and PearlsThe Fouquet Tiara with Aquamarines, Diamonds and Pearls| Royal Aquamarine Tiara | Katherine Duchess of Kent  all diamond ablong brooch with square cluster center link wedding gift to Ptincess Marina, Duchess of Kent, art deco diamond brooch Aigue-marine, Trends + Traditions:AquamarinAquamarin,Tiara,Aquamarine,duchess,Prinzessin,georges fouquet,royals,kent,royal jewels,schmuck,diademe,aique-marine,perles,parure tiaras,diadem,diamant,diamonds,perlen,private collection,Schmucksammlung,jewellry,jewellery,joaillier,Joaillerie
The Fouquet Tiara with Aquamarines, Diamonds and Pearls| Royal Aquamarine Tiara | Katherine Duchess of Kent  all diamond ablong brooch with square cluster center link wedding gift to Ptincess Marina, Duchess of Kent, art deco diamond brooch Die Herzogin von Kent trägt zu der aktuellen Version des Diadems einen Anhänger an einem Halsband ebenfalls ein Aquamarin Aquamarine Jewelry of the Dynastic PeriodThe Fouquet Tiara with Aquamarines, Diamonds and Pearls| Royal Aquamarine Tiara | Katherine Duchess of Kent  all diamond ablong brooch with square cluster center link wedding gift to Ptincess Marina, Duchess of Kent, art deco diamond brooch Les Bijoux, Anciens et Modernes The Fouquet Tiara with Aquamarines, Diamonds and Pearls| Royal Aquamarine Tiara | Katherine Duchess of Kent  all diamond ablong brooch with square cluster center link wedding gift to Ptincess Marina, Duchess of Kent, art deco diamond brooch
bijou en créant des parures pour la joaillerie Fouque The Fouquet Tiara with Aquamarines, Diamonds and Pearls| Royal Aquamarine Tiara | Katherine Duchess of Kent  all diamond ablong brooch with square cluster center link wedding gift to Ptincess Marina, Duchess of Kent, art deco diamond brooch Aquamarine - Aquamarin-Diadem der Herzogin von Kent | The Fouquet Tiara with Aquamarines,Diamonds and Pearls Georges Fouquet (1862-1957) began work in his father's Paris jewellery firm in 1880, 

becoming manager in 1895. He began to develop jewellery in the Art Nouveau style and at 

the Salon des Artistes Français of 1898 he exhibited the orchid brooch  which 

was designed by Fouquet's principal designer of this period, Charles Desrosiers. This 

piece demonstrates Fouquet's flamboyant interpretation of natural form with a 

paphiopedilum lawrenceanum orchid animated in this instance by delicate pliqué-à-jour 

enamel work and a large baroque pearl. His jewellery of the period incorporated relatively 

inexpensive materials, such as horn and enamel, combined with precious gems and metals, in 

an approach pioneered by René Lalique whose jewellery is also represented in the Anderson 


In 1899 actress Sarah Bernhardt commissioned Fouquet to make a serpent bracelet which had 

been depicted on a poster designed for her by Alphonse Mucha. A number of Mucha's works 

are also to be found in the Anderson Collection. At the 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle, 

many of the pieces shown by Fouquet were designed by Mucha. Central to these works was an 

image of a maiden with flowing hair, characteristic of Mucha's graphic work. Fouquet's 

shop on the Rue Royale, Paris was also designed by Mucha

Das obere Bild zeigt die orginal Version des Diadems in Form eines Stirnbandes von Georges Fouquet von 1908 mit 5 ovalen Motiven, in der Mitte dieser Ovale befand sich jeweils ein grosser sibirischer Aquamarin im Kissenschliff, der von einer durchbrochenen Rahmung aus kleinen, mit Diamanten gefassten Bögen umgeben war.Die Koskoshnik-Form des Juwels war blau emailliert mit transluzitem Email der die Farbe der Aquamarine hervorhob zusammen mit den Diamanten.Georges Vorliebe für diese Edelsteine brachte ihm den Beinamen " Vater der Aquamarine" ein bei den Steinhändlern.

Im unteren Bild die aktuelle Ausführung der Tiara mit "moderner" Halterung, das die Aquamarine mit ihren sechspassigen Diamant - Ummandelungen mit sechs Perlen in gleicher Anordnung präsentiert wie bei der ursprünglichen Tiara, die eine emaillierte Fassung aufwies.

Die Herzogin von Kent trägt im linken Bild passend zu diesem Juwel einen Anhänger, ebenfalls ein Aquamarin, in leuchtendem hellblau als Tropfen geschliffen an einem Halsband und die entsprechenden Ohrhänger mit Aquamarine und Diamanten

Die Diamant Art deco Brosche ist aus dem Besitz ihrer Schwiegermutter Marina Herzogin von Kent, es war ein Geschenk der Königin Mary, anlässlich des Hochzeitsfrühstücks.

Aquamarin-Diadem der Herzöge von Kent


The Fouquet Tiara with Aquamarines, Diamonds and Pearls| Royal Aquamarine Tiara | Katherine Duchess of Kent

Pictured above is the Kent tiara with aquamarines and enamel designed by Georges Fouquet in 1908. He presented this new type of jewel at the Brussels Exhibition 1910: a diadem in the form of a flexible gold bandeau consisting of five oval motifs. In the centre of each of these ovals was a large Siberian aquamarine, the colour of which was heightened by the addition of blue enamel, surrounded by an openwork design made up of small arches set with lines of diamonds and 6 pearls. The jewel was of kokoshnik form in finest style, probably as a tribute to the Russian origin of the stones.
It was the jeweller's favorite gem. Georges had such a strong predilection for this blue stone that dealers dubbed him "the father of aquamarine".

In the second picture, the "new" setting preserves the original arrangement of the five aquamarines within their openwork surrounds composed of small arches without the bandeau-form of translucent enamel a jour.

The Duchess is seen with a wedding gift of her mother-in-law Duchess Marina of Kent, "An all diamond oblong brooch with square cluster centre and link the art deco diamond brooch, was a gift from Queen Mary on the wedding breakfast, the bride pinned it on her wedding gown.




Hochzeit und Trauung| Prinzessin Marina | Kent Jewels |Royal Wedding, the royal Bride Marina
Ruby Wedding Gifts | Jewels Duchess of Kent | Rubin Schmuck der Herzogin von Kent
Hochzeitsgeschenke Prinzessin Marina | Kent Royal Jewels | Royal Wedding and the Gifts
Diamond Sautoir Royal Wedding Gifts | Jewels | Ruby Bracelet | Marina Duchess of Kent
Diamond Fringe Kokoshnik Tiara | Kent Royal Marriage Presents | Diamond Rivière
Kent Diamond Fringe Kokoshnik Tiara | Royal Wedding Gabriella Windsor|Royal Jewels Duchess of Kent
Pearl Necklace and Pearl Brooch Royal Engagement | Royal Betrothal Marina Duchess of Kent
Pearl Necklace Royal Engagement Princess Marina of Greece| Royal Betrothal Duchess of Kent
Royal Engagement Ring | Sapphire Diamond Cartier Ring| Marina Duchess of Kent
Diamond Fringe with Pearls Tiara | Royal Marriage Presents | Diamond Bracelet
Romanov Diamond Girandoles from the Duchess of Kent | Royal Imperial Jewels
Diamond and Pearl Scroll Tiara Bandeau Necklace | Romanov Jewel |Imperial Marriage Present
Grossen Perlentropfen Romanoff | Kent Royal Jewels | Pearshaped Pearls of Grand Duchess Vladimir
Margeriten Blumenbroschen Duchess Marina | Kent Royal Jewels | The Diamond Daisy Brooches
Art Deco Diamond Bandeau Tiara wedding gift from the Duke of Kent Royal Jewel History
Smaragd-Brosche Kent |Royal Jewel History| The Argyll -Emerald Brooch
Smaragd-Brosche Herzogin von Kent| Katherine Duchess of Kent |The Argyll -Emerald Brooch
Diamantsterne Broschen und Haarschmuck| Kent Royal Jewels | The Diamond Stars
Smaragd der Herzogin von Agryll |Royal Historic Jewelry Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll
Kent Aquamarin Diadem | Königlicher Schmuck |Royal Historic Jewels | Kent Tiara with Aquamarines
Russian Sapphire Diamond Brooch | Katherine Duchess of Kent | Royal Imperial Saphir Herzogin Marina von Kent


Cambridge Sapphires Necklace Collier | Royal Jewels of Princess Augusta Caroline parure of tiara, necklace, stomacher, earrings and two bracelets
Cambridge Saphire Halsband Collier |Königliche Juwelen und Schmuck der Prinzessin Augusta Caroline |Geschenk zur Hochzeit
Cambridge Sapphires Tiara History| Royal Jewels of Princess Augusta Caroline parure of tiara, necklace, stomacher, earrings and two bracelets
Royal Cambridge Sapphires Diadem| Royal Jewels of Princess Augusta Caroline | Wedding gift from the Duchess of Cambridge
Cambridge Sapphires Necklace Collier | Royal Jewelry of Queen Mary historic sapphire parure tiara, necklace, stomacher, earrings and two bracelets
Cambridge Sapphires Necklace Collier | Royal Jewelry of Duchess of Kent historic sapphire parure tiara, necklace, stomacher, earrings and two bracelets

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