Die Hochzeitsgeschenke des Herzogs von Kent an seine Braut waren unter anderem ein
Rubinschmuck, ein Ornament mit Rubinkugeln als Brosche trägt sie oben im Bild.
Herzogin Marina von Kent, einer geborenen
Prinzessin von Griechenland und Dänemark.
The duke of Kent gives to his bride, a several beautiful and expensive jewellery of diamonds, pearls and rubies.
All diamond scroll pattern tiara with brilliant cluster centre and entourage of baguette diamonds.
The whole centre motif is interchangeable with a ruby and diamond ornament of the same design and can also be worn as a brooch. The brooch with the scroll ornaments very fashionable, with round cutted ruby beads, are seen in the picture above. She wore matching earrings - probably the brilliant cluster center with baguette diamonds.
Another gift was a ruby and diamond trellis pattern bracelet with six oval ruby and diamond clusters>>
Ruby and diamond fancy oblong link sautoir with fringe pattern ruby and diamond pendant
Pair of diamond and ruby fringe drop earrings en suite.
"all from the official wedding list catalogue"
Next to the King and Queen's presents stands a case with the Duke of Kent's seven presents of jewellery to his bride :
1. Diamond tiara of hundreds of stones. most magnificent of all.
2. Diamond and ruby chain. Twenty rubies interwoven with diamonds which terminate in a chain of blood-red ruby drops.
3. Pair of earrings to match the diamond chain. The earrings have each five central strings of miniature rubies, twenty-six stones each—fifty-two rubies in one pair of earrings.
4. Diamond and ruby brooch, ten big rubies in the setting,
5. Diamond and ruby bracelet.
"from Daily Mirror"
Diamond necklace from the Prince of Wales, the Duke and Duchess of York, the Duke of Gloucester and the Princess Royal and her husband.
The one room completely shine of jewels and expensive showpieces.
Diamond Collet Necklace Riviere: Below spotlights the gift of King George is placed, a necklace of 36 big and excellent diamonds, which look like as one only fire shine (Particularly impressive is a necklace of diamonds given to her by the King. There are thirty-six matched gems in this glorious necklace, not one of them being smaller than a fair sized pea)
In view of that the gift of Queen Mary shows, a diamond set consist of a tiara with two enormous sapphires in the middle and diamonds on the sides, three neck jewels, two brooches, a necklace and a pair of earrings - the Cambridge Sapphires:
Cambridge Sapphires Necklace Collier | Royal Jewels of Princess Augusta Caroline parure of tiara, necklace, stomacher, earrings and two bracelets
Cambridge Saphire Halsband Collier |Juwelen und Schmuck der Prinzessin Augusta Caroline |Geschenk zur Hochzeit
Cambridge Sapphires Tiara History| Royal Jewels of Princess Augusta Caroline parure of tiara, necklace, stomacher, earrings and two bracelets
Cambridge Sapphires Diadem| Royal Jewels of Princess Augusta Caroline | Wedding gift from the Duchess of Cambridge
Cambridge Jewels| Royal Diamond Fringe Tiara | Jewels of Princess Augusta Caroline Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
The King and Queen further gives to their daughter-in-law a long diamond necklace diamond sautoir with detachable pearl and diamond drop -divisible into 4 bracelets >>
Rectangular diamond brooch with a ruby and diamond bow ornament diagonally across it>>
An all diamond oblong brooch with square cluster centre and link ends -
A third tiara with diamonds and pearls the bride will receive from her parents, and the fourth in
A tiara - Russian model from the City of London. The diamond fringe tiara, above worne from the Duchess for the photograph - a side view - on the right is mounted in gold and set in silver, given by the City of London to Princess Marina on the occasion of her marriage to the Duke of Kent in 1934. This jewel is unusual in that it flares at the sides to charming effect, and unlike many other tiaras in kokoshnik style, it does not dismantle to make a necklace.
Source: SVENSKA DAGBLADET November 28th 1934;The Illustrated London News, Wedding Number, No. 4989, Vol 185, December 1, 1934, pages 884-885
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