Königin Victorias Hochzeitsgeschenk an ihre Tochter Prinzessin Louise, die vererbte Smaragdbrosche der Herzogin von Argyll an die Herzogin von Kent, historischer Schmuck und deren Geschichte Royal Weddings, presents, gifts of the Queen Princess Michael of Kent,Argyll,Emeralds,brooch,emerald,queen, historische,Diamanten,gold,duchess,geschenk,jewellery,Schatzkammer,königliche,royal jewels,englisch,schmuck,Duchess,UK,Britain,England,Brillanten,familienschmuck, diamant,jewrelry,royalty,royals,verkaufen Argyll Emeraldbrooch with Diamonds Princess Michael of Kent Argyll Emeraldbrooch with Diamonds | Princess Michael of Kent | Schmuck aus dem Nachlass der Herzogin Marina von Kent Argyll Emeral dbrooch with Diamonds Princess Michael of Kent british royals Royal Weddings, presents, gifts of the Queen Argyll Emerald brooch with Diamonds kent princess michael royal jewelry history Royal Weddings, presents, gifts of the Queen Princess Michael of Kent Argyll Emerald brooch with Diamonds

Schmuck und Juwelen der Herzogin von Kent

Perlenkette mit Smaragdbrosche als Mittelteil, der Smaragd stammt aus dem Nachlass von Prinzessin Louise Herzogin von Argyll und war das Hochzeitsgeschenk ihrer Mutter der Königin Victoria.
Sie hat es nach ihrem Tod mit anderen Schmuckstücken der Herzogin von Kent vermacht.

Im Bild unten die Gäste der Silberhochzeit von Königin Juliana und Prinz Bernard in Den Haag, sieht man Marina Herzogin von Kent mit einer Perlenkette und als Mittelpunkt der quadratische Smaragd aus der Brosche.

Royal Jewels - Emerald brooch| Duchess of Kent and Princess Michael of Kent

Princess Michael illustrates her creativity by wearing her emerald and diamond brooch as the centerpiece of her pearl choker and as pendant to her diamond collet necklace. The emerald and diamond brooch was once thewedding present from Queen Victoria to her daughter Louise, Duchess of Argyll.
Princess Louise apparently bequeathed her jewels to her favourite members of the Royal family, the Kents. Now the brooch is in the possession of Princess Michael of Kent.


Hochzeit und Trauung| Prinzessin Marina | Kent Jewels |Royal Wedding, the royal Bride Marina
Ruby Wedding Gifts | Jewels Duchess of Kent | Rubin Schmuck der Herzogin von Kent
Hochzeitsgeschenke Prinzessin Marina | Kent Royal Jewels | Royal Wedding and the Gifts
Diamond Sautoir Royal Wedding Gifts | Jewels | Ruby Bracelet | Marina Duchess of Kent
Diamond Fringe Kokoshnik Tiara | Kent Royal Marriage Presents | Diamond Rivière
Kent Diamond Fringe Kokoshnik Tiara | Royal Wedding Lady Gabriella Windsor|Royal Jewels Duchess of Kent
Pearl Necklace and Pearl Brooch Royal Engagement | Royal Betrothal Marina Duchess of Kent
Pearl Necklace Royal Engagement Princess Marina of Greece| Royal Betrothal Duchess of Kent
Royal Engagement Ring | Sapphire Diamond Cartier Ring| Marina Duchess of Kent
Diamond Fringe with Pearls Tiara | Royal Marriage Presents | Diamond Bracelet
Romanov Diamond Girandoles from the Duchess of Kent | Royal Imperial Jewels
Diamond and Pearl Scroll Tiara Bandeau Necklace | Romanov Jewel |Imperial Marriage Present
Grossen Perlentropfen Romanoff | Kent Royal Jewels | Pearshaped Pearls of Grand Duchess Vladimir
Margeriten Blumenbroschen Duchess Marina | Kent Royal Jewels | The Diamond Daisy Brooches
Art Deco Diamond Bandeau Tiara wedding gift from the Duke of Kent Royal Jewel History
Smaragd-Brosche Kent |Royal Jewel History| The Argyll -Emerald Brooch
Smaragd-Brosche Herzogin von Kent| Katherine Duchess of Kent |The Argyll -Emerald Brooch
Diamantsterne Broschen und Haarschmuck| Kent Royal Jewels | The Diamond Stars
Smaragd der Herzogin von Agryll |Royal Historic Jewelry Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll
Kent Aquamarin Diadem | Königlicher Schmuck |Royal Historic Jewels | Kent Tiara with Aquamarines
Pearl Necklace and Pearl Brooch Royal Engagement | Royal Betrothal Marina Duchess of Kent
Pearl Necklace Royal Engagement Princess Marina of Greece| Royal Betrothal Duchess of Kent
Royal Engagement Ring | Sapphire Diamond Cartier Ring| Marina Duchess of Kent
Kent Pearl and Diamond Fringe Kokoshnik Tiara| Royal Spike Diadem |Royal Jewels Katherine Duchess of Kent
Rectangular Diamond Brooch with Ruby Bow Gift in 1934 | Royal Wedding Princess Marina of Greece and Prince George of Great Britain and Irelands Windsor|Royal Jewels Duchess of Kent
Lady Gabriella Windsor|Aquamarine Diamond Brooch Bridesmaids Gift in 1934 | Royal Wedding Princess Marina of Greece and Prince George of Great Britain and Irelands Windsor|Royal Jewels Duchess of Kent
Grand Duchess Helena Diamond Bandeau | Greece Royal Jewels | Imperial Jewel of the Romanov
Diamond Kokoshnik of Grand Duchess Helena Vladimirovna | Tiara Princess Olga of Greece
pearls diamonds emerald duchess of kent pearls diamonds emerald Marina duchess of kent pearls diamonds emerald Marina duchess of kent


Right picture: Marina, the late Duchess of Kent, at the occasion of the silver wedding anniversary celebrations of Queen Juliana, wearing the emerald-diamond brooch together with her pearls
















Cambridge Sapphires Necklace Collier | Royal Jewels of Princess Augusta Caroline parure of tiara, necklace, stomacher, earrings and two bracelets
Cambridge Saphire Halsband Collier |Königliche Juwelen und Schmuck der Prinzessin Augusta Caroline |Geschenk zur Hochzeit
Cambridge Sapphires Tiara History| Royal Jewels of Princess Augusta Caroline parure of tiara, necklace, stomacher, earrings and two bracelets
Royal Cambridge Sapphires Diadem| Royal Jewels of Princess Augusta Caroline | Wedding gift from the Duchess of Cambridge
Cambridge Sapphires Necklace Collier | Royal Jewelry of Queen Mary historic sapphire parure tiara, necklace, stomacher, earrings and two bracelets
Cambridge Sapphires Necklace Collier | Royal Jewelry of Duchess of Kent historic sapphire parure tiara, necklace, stomacher, earrings and two bracelets


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