Die Hochzeitsgeschenke des Herzogs von Kent an seine Braut waren unter anderem ein Armband mit Rubinen, oben im Bild in dem Etui zu sehen. Die Trauungsfeier in der Westminster-Abtei bot ein wunderbares Bild. Der Altar war in ein Meer von Licht getaucht, die Braut im silberglänzenden schweren Silberlame Kleid mit eingewebten englischen Rosen und einem Bouquet von Madonnenlilien, am Arme ihres Vaters, der Husaren-Uniform trug, und begleitet von acht Brautjungfern, die sämtliche in Weiss und Silber gekleidet waren, zum Altar. Mit fester Stimme sprach der Herzog von Kent dem Erzbischof den Trauungsschwur nach.Nachdem auch Prinzessin Marina den Trauungsschwur abgelegt hatte, folgte der Ringwechsel.
Rectangular diamond brooch with a ruby and diamond bow ornament diagonally across it>> was one of the premium wedding gift of Queen Mary of Great Britain. ...... Another of the Queen's gifts is a large square corsage ornament with a lover's knot in rubies running across it. . Another of the Queen's gifts is a large square corsage ornament with a lover's knot in rubies running across it. In rare and perfect taste is a semichoker necklace of diamonds, the gift of the King, whilst a long diamond necklace and pendant, in which rests a large cabochon black pearl, is a joint gift from the King and Queen. A three-row necklace of pearls, with diamond clasp and matching bracelet, is another of the lovely jewellery gifts from the Duke of Kent to his bride. From Prince and Princess Nicholas of Greece (her father and mother) is a magnificent coronet of diamonds and large cabochon pearls; from Princess Nicholas an enormous corsage ornament of diamonds, which follow the design of a soft drooping bow. SIXTY - TWO sapphires wink limpid blue lights from the glass case which holds the Queen's wedding presents to Princess Marina, now on view at St. James's Palace, nine pieces at all. A tiara encrusted with diamonds, a halt-circle of big sapphires topping each hoop of precious stones, a magnificent brooch with a sapphire stone as big as a wren's egg, two smaller brooches, a pair of diamond and sapphire earrings and two bracelets of diamonds and sapphires—these are the Queen's principal presents of jewellery to her future daughter-in-law. But they were not all the Queen's gifts. A 4inch. by 2inch. diamond brooch with a strand of blood-red rubies running across it horizontally stood in the case with the Queen's other magnificent presents. THE KING'S GIFTS The King gave Princess Marina a collar of diamonds, each diamond as big as a finger-nail. A joint present from their Majesties, a diamond necklace set on platinum, with a big black diamond in the pendant, is another contribution to the Princess's jewelcase. (Continued on page 4) Princess Elizabeth, one of the bridesmaids, leaving the Abbey after a rehearsal of royal wedding ceremonial yesterday. Source: Westernmail;The Illustrated London News, Wedding Number, No. 4989, Vol 185, December 1, 1934, pages 884-885
:::: Hochzeit und Trauung| Prinzessin Marina | Kent Jewels |Royal Wedding, the royal Bride MarinaRuby Wedding Gifts | Jewels Duchess of Kent | Rubin Schmuck der Herzogin von KentHochzeitsgeschenke Prinzessin Marina | Kent Royal Jewels | Royal Wedding and the GiftsPearl Necklace and Pearl Brooch Royal Engagement | Royal Betrothal Marina Duchess of KentPearl Necklace Royal Engagement Princess Marina of Greece| Royal Betrothal Duchess of Kent Royal Engagement Ring | Sapphire Diamond Cartier Ring| Marina Duchess of Kent