Emerald and Diamond Cross Brooch Pendant |Romanov Jewels Tobolsk | Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna Alix, Princess Alexandra of Hesse historical jewels royal jewel history jewelery historic  romanovemeralds  imperial jewel, Romanovbrooch romanovjewellery Imperatrice Tsarina emerald,emeralds,emeraldcross,cross,kreuz,gems,pendant,tobolsk,Empress Alexandra Feodorovna,hesse,hessen,romanoff,Romanov,großfürstin,Tsar,Zar,faberge,Brooch,,presents,platinum,Collier,Geschenk,treasure trove,jewel,brosche ,wedding,schmuck,Geschenke,diamant,diamonds,jewels,passion,jewelry,Schmucksammlungen,Juwelensammlerin,gift,gifts,crownjewels Emerald and Diamond Cross Brooch Pendant |Romanov Jewels Tobolsk | Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna Alix, Princess Alexandra of Hesse historical jewels royal jewel history jewelery historic  romanovemeralds  imperial jewel, Romanovbrooch romanovjewellery Imperatrice Tsarina emerald,emeralds,emeraldcross,cross,kreuz,gems,pendant,tobolsk,Empress Alexandra Feodorovna,hesse,hessen,romanoff,Romanov,großfürstin,Tsar,Zar,faberge,Brooch,,presents,platinum,Collier,Geschenk,treasure trove,jewel,brosche ,wedding,schmuck,Geschenke,diamant,diamonds,jewels,passion,jewelry,Schmucksammlungen,Juwelensammlerin,gift,gifts,crownjewels Emerald and Diamond Cross Brooch Pendant |Romanov Jewels Tobolsk | Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna Alix, Princess Alexandra of Hesse historical jewels royal jewel history jewelery historic  romanovemeralds  imperial jewel, Romanovbrooch romanovjewellery Imperatrice Tsarina Emerald and Diamond Cross Brooch Pendant |Romanov Jewels Tobolsk | Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna Alix, Princess Alexandra of Hesse historical jewels royal jewel history jewelery historic  romanovemeralds  imperial jewel, Romanovbrooch romanovjewellery Imperatrice Tsarina emerald,emeralds,emeraldcross,cross,kreuz,gems,pendant,tobolsk,Empress Alexandra Feodorovna,hesse,hessen,romanoff,Romanov,großfürstin,Tsar,Zar,faberge,Brooch,,presents,platinum,Collier,Geschenk,treasure trove,jewel,brosche ,wedding,schmuck,Geschenke,diamant,diamonds,jewels,passion,jewelry,Schmucksammlungen,Juwelensammlerin,gift,gifts,crownjewels Emerald and Diamond Cross Brooch Pendant |Romanov Jewels Tobolsk | Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna Alix, Princess Alexandra of Hesse historical jewels royal jewel history jewelery historic  romanovemeralds  imperial jewel, Romanovbrooch romanovjewellery Imperatrice Tsarina emerald,emeralds,emeraldcross,cross,kreuz,gems,pendant,tobolsk,Empress Alexandra Feodorovna,hesse,hessen,romanoff,Romanov,großfürstin,Tsar,Zar,faberge,Brooch,,presents,platinum,Collier,Geschenk,treasure trove,jewel,brosche ,wedding,schmuck,Geschenke,diamant,diamonds,jewels,passion,jewelry,Schmucksammlungen,Juwelensammlerin,gift,gifts,crownjewels Emerald and Diamond Cross Brooch Pendant |Romanov Jewels Tobolsk | Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna Alix, Princess Alexandra of Hesse historical jewels royal jewel history jewelery historic  romanovemeralds  imperial jewel, Romanovbrooch romanovjewellery Imperatrice Tsarina Emerald and Diamond Cross Brooch Pendant |Romanov Jewels Tobolsk | Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna Alix, Princess Alexandra of Hesse historical jewels royal jewel history jewelery historic  romanovemeralds  imperial jewel, Romanovbrooch romanovjewellery Imperatrice Tsarina Emerald and Diamond Cross Brooch Pendant |Romanov Jewels Tobolsk | Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna Alix, Princess Alexandra of Hesse historical jewels royal jewel history jewelery historic  romanovemeralds  imperial jewel, Romanovbrooch romanovjewellery Imperatrice Tsarina Emerald and Diamond Cross Brooch Pendant |Romanov Jewels Tobolsk | Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna Alix, Princess Alexandra of Hesse historical jewels royal jewel history jewelery historic  romanovemeralds  imperial jewel, Romanovbrooch romanovjewellery Imperatrice Tsarina Emerald and Diamond Cross Brooch Pendant |Romanov Jewels Tobolsk | Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna Alix, Princess Alexandra of Hesse historical jewels royal jewel history jewelery historic  romanovemeralds  imperial jewel, Romanovbrooch romanovjewellery Imperatrice Tsarina emerald,emeralds,emeraldcross,cross,kreuz,gems,pendant,tobolsk,Empress Alexandra Feodorovna,hesse,hessen,romanoff,Romanov,großfürstin,Tsar,Zar,faberge,Brooch,,presents,platinum,Collier,Geschenk,treasure trove,jewel,brosche ,wedding,schmuck,Geschenke,diamant,diamonds,jewels,passion,jewelry,Schmucksammlungen,Juwelensammlerin,gift,gifts,crownjewels
Emerald and Diamond Cross Brooch Pendant |Romanov Jewels Tobolsk | Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna Alix, Princess Alexandra of Hesse historical jewels royal jewel history jewelery historic  romanovemeralds  imperial jewel, Romanovbrooch romanovjewellery Imperatrice Tsarina

Im August 1917, ein Jahr vor der Hinrichtung der königlichen Familie in der Nacht vom 16. auf den 17. Juli 1918, wurden Nikolaus II. und seine Verwandten, die in Zarskoje Selo unter Hausarrest standen, nach Tobolsk verbannt. Auf dem Weg in den Ural nahm die Familie des Kaisers familiäre Wertgegenstände mit, darunter dieses feine Smaragdkreuz.


Das Inventar der von den Bolschewiken in Tobolsk gefundenen und beschlagnahmten Wertsachen umfasst 154 Gegenstände


Diese Smaragd- und Diamantbrosche mit Anhänger hat die Nummer 27 und einen Wert von 100 Rubel.

Es ist nicht das kostbarste Juwel, aber sie hat eine wichtige Geschichte:

Dieser Anhänger aus Platin, Smaragden und Diamanten wurde 1918 neben einer Mine in der Nähe von Jekaterinburg gefunden. Hier versuchten die bolschewistischen Mörder von Russlands letztem Zaren, Nikolaus II. und seiner Familie, die Besitztümer der Opfer zu verbrennen.

Es war eines der Fragmente, das mit der Familie verbrannt wurde und anhand dieses Schmucks konnte der Platz und die Leichen veriviziert werden.

Nikolai Sokolov, der 1919 die Mordermittlung leitete, beschreibt dieses Objekt in seinem Bericht: "Kreuz von hoher kunsthandwerklicher Qualität. Es wurde zweifellos dem Feuer ausgesetzt. Darauf deutet das Aussehen des Platins hin, vor allem aber die Tatsache, dass die Perle auf einer der Nadeln eine verbrannte Perle ist."
Zwei Familienmitglieder bezeugten, dass das Kreuz Alexandra Feodorowna gehörte - es war ein Geschenk der Kaiserinwitwe Maria Feodorowna an sie.
Sokolov veröffentlichte eine Fotografie des Kreuzes in seinem Buch "Die Ermordung der Königsfamilie".

Es befindet sich immer noch im Kreml, wahrscheinlich in den Archiven.
Dieses unglaubliche Stück war 2014 zusammen mit einem Fragment des schwarzen Tuchs, auf dem es in Sokolows Buch fotografiert wurde, in der Sammlung des Russischen Geschichtsmuseums ausgestellt. Der Umriss des Kreuzes ist auf dem Samt deutlich sichtbar, was mit Sokolovs Inventar der während der Untersuchung gesammelten materiellen Beweise übereinstimmt.




Emerald and Diamond Brooch Pendant |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

The bodies of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra Fyodorovna and their five children were thrown into the disused pit after they had been murdered in the Ipatyev House during the course of the Russian Civil War on the night of 16-17 July 1918.

A day later, the bodies were recovered and burned and buried about 3.6 kilometres to the southeast. The remains were found there in 1979 through clandestine private research by the geologist Alexander Avdonin.

 On the way to the Urals, the Emperor's family took family valuables ​​with them, including this fine emerald cross.


 The inventory of the valuables ​​found and confiscated by the Bolsheviks in Tobolsk contains 154 items.Tsars treasure empress emerald cross Nicholas II abdicated during the February revolution. After the British government withdrew its offer of political asylum in April 1917, the Romanovs were moved by the moderate provisional government, led by Alexander Kerensky, to the city of Tobolsk in the Urals. The family intended to stay there until their foreign exile was arranged, but the triumph of the Bolsheviks during the October revolution spelled their doom. In spring 1918, Nicholas and his family were moved to their final location at Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg, where they were killed in the early hours of July 17th 1918.

Alexandras diamond and emerald cross was found in the shaft in which the family was killed and burned. It was a gift from her mother-in-law, the Dowager Empress, and was one of the few personal belongings that Alexandra brought into exile. Along with the other items collected from the scene  including a damaged  Mother of God  icon, , the jewelled cross was used as evidence in an official inquiry conducted by Nikolai Sokolov, a case investigator associated with the anti-Bolshevik White Army. Until the opening of Soviet archives during the 1990s, Sokolov's report from 1920 provided the only reliable proof that the tsar and his family had been killed. But because Sokolov was unable to locate the Romanovs' remains, rumours soon spread that one or more members of the imperial family had managed to escape the massacre.


This emerald and diamond brooch- pendant is number 27 - value of 100 Rubels.

It is not from the highest value but it has an important story:

This pendant, made of platinum, emeralds, and diamonds, was found in 1918 next to a mine near Yekaterinburg. Here, the Bolshevik killers of Russia's last tsar, Nicholas II, and his family, attempted to burn the victims' possessions.

It was one of the fragments which was burned with the family.

Nikolai Sokolov, who headed the murder investigation in 1919, describes this object in his report: “Cross of high-quality artistic craftsmanship. It was undoubtedly subjected to fire. This is indicated by the appearance of the platinum, and mainly by the fact that the bead on one of the needles is a burnt pearl.”
Two witnesses attested to the fact that the cross belonged to Alexandra Feodorovna – a gift to her from the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna.
Sokolov published a photograph of the cross in his book, "The Murder of the Royal Family."

It's still in the Kremlin Museum, probably in the archives.
This incredible piece was on display in the Russian History Museum's collection, 2014, along with a fragment of the black cloth on which it was photographed in Sokolov's book. The outline of the cross is clearly visible on the velvet, which corresponds to Sokolov's inventory of material evidence gathered during the investigation.

Sources:Wikipedia;,Kremlin Museum;Russian History Museum;Ministerium für innere Angelegenheiten der EVG der Russischen Föderation für das Gebiet Swerdlowsk.Goverment RU;


Imperial Diamond Yellow Rose Brooch of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna| Royal Imperial Jewel History| Coronation Present from the Tsar

Alexandra Feodorovna Tsarina, Empress of Russia | Aquamarine Brooch Stomacher | Zarin von Russland

Aquamarine Brooch Imperial Jewels | Romanov | Empress Alexandra Fjodorowna

Aquamarine and Diamond Kokoshnik Tiara Imperial Jewels | Romanov | Russia Empress Alexandra Fjodorowna

Aquamarine Diamond Brooch Imperial Jewels | Romanov Jewelry Tobolsk|Russia Empress Alexandra Fjodorowna

Alexandra Feodorovna Empress of Russia | 100-Carat Diamond Brooch | Diamant Brosche von 100 Karat der Zarin von Russland

Chain Sautoir Necklace and Round Pendant of pearls and 11 big rubies with diamonds | Rubin Perlen und Diamant Halsband mit rundem Anhänger

Pearl Tiara wedding present of Grand Duke of Hesse | Imperial Jewels | Romanov | Perlen Diadem Hochzeitsgeschenk | Grossherzog von Hessen

Bow Brooch of Diamonds with a large Sapphire in the Locket| Alexandra Feodorovna Empress of Russia |Imperial Jewels | Romanov | Große Brillantschleife mit 75 Karat Saphircabochon

Diamond Lily-of-the-Valley Diadem Tiara | Faberge Jewels| Tobolsk | Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

The Imperial Easter Egg of Rock-Crystal with revolving Miniatures of Empress Alexandra Feodorowna of Russia | Romanov Faberge Ei 1896

Alexandra Feodorovna Empress of Russia| Jet comb Tiara |Diamond Riviere, Victorian tiara style hair comb with jet balls

Imperial SAPPHIRES Jewels of the Romanovs - Sapphire brooches | Sapphires of the Tsar

Almandin Diamond Diadem Tiara |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

Pink Kunzit Diamond Diadem Tiara |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

Turquoise Diamond Diadem Tiara of eight turquoises|Tsarina Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

Emerald and Diamond Cross Brooch Pendant |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

Turquoise Diamond Diadem Tiara of eight turquoises|Tsarina Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

Emerald and Diamond Brooch Pendant Cross |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

Crescent Diamond Stomacher Brooch 70carats | Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

Diamond Briolettes Tiara |Jewels Tobolsk|Tsars Treasure|Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

Diamond Briolettes Tiara |Jewels Tobolsk|Tsars Treasure|Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

Two-headed tsar's eagle the Order of Saint Andrew all in Diamonds with a eight carat Diamond |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

Faberge Romanov Pearls |Wedding Gift Jewellery|Russia Crown Jewels| Imperial Wedding Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

Maria Alexandrovna Empress of Russia | Devant de Corsage | Imperial Tsar Jewels Romanov

Tsarina Maria Alexandrovna Romanov Pearls| Imperial Tsar Jewels Romanov

Cameos | Maria Alexandrovna |die Kameen der Zarin| Imperial Tsar Jewels Romanov

Royal blue Sapphire | Wedding Jewels of Maria Alexandrovna| Imperial Tsar Jewels Romanov

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and the Imperial Sapphires | Imperial Tsar Jewels Romanov

Maria Alexandrovna Empress of Russia | Sapphire Tiara| Imperial Tsar Jewels Romanov

Empress Marie Feodorovna and the Imperial Diamond Dress Ornaments| Imperial Tsar Jewels Romanov

Diamond Flower and Tassel-Ornaments of Catharina the Great | Imperial Tsar Jewels Romanov

Russian State Jewels Flower Ornaments| Imperial Tsar Jewels Romanov

Empress Marie Feodorovna and the Imperial SAPPHIRES| Imperial Tsar Jewellry Romanov

Empress Marie Feodorovna and her Pearl Brooch | Imperial Tsar Jewels Romanov

Imperial brooches and Romanov Jewels of the Empress Marie Feodorovna| Privat Jewel Collection Russian Jewels| Pearl Pin and Black Pearl had Pin

Imperial SAPPHIRES Jewels of the Romanovs - Romanov Sapphire Brooches | Romanov-Brooch |Sapphires of the Tsar

Imperial Pearls and Romanov Jewels of the Empress Marie Feodorovn

Romanov Diamond Riviere | Collier d'esclave| Nuptial Jewellery|Russia Crown Jewels| Imperial Wedding Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna


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