Hochzeitsgeschenk an die Prinzessin Marina von Griechenland von Ihren Eltern
Pearl & diamond scroll pattern tiara, of 15 linked diamond circles with a pearl in the centre of each ornament. Wearable as bandeau or necklace, from Prince and Princess Nicholas of Greece, the bride's parents.
It was orginally given to Grand Duchess Helen when she married Prince Nicholas of Greece
Thank you to my dear Volker for the picture.
Source: The Times; wedding gift booklet;
Grand Duchess Helena Diamond Bandeau | Greece Royal Jewels | Imperial Jewel of the Romanov
Kokoshnik of Grand Duchess Helena Vladimirovna | Tiara Princess Olga of Greece ::::
Cambridge Sapphires Necklace Collier | Royal Jewels of Princess Augusta Caroline parure of tiara, necklace, stomacher, earrings and two bracelets
Cambridge Saphire Halsband Collier |Königliche Juwelen und Schmuck der Prinzessin Augusta Caroline |Geschenk zur Hochzeit
Cambridge Sapphires Tiara History| Royal Jewels of Princess Augusta Caroline parure of tiara, necklace, stomacher, earrings and two bracelets
Royal Cambridge Sapphires Diadem| Royal Jewels of Princess Augusta Caroline | Wedding gift from the Duchess of Cambridge
Cambridge Sapphires Necklace Collier | Royal Jewelry of Queen Mary historic sapphire parure tiara, necklace, stomacher, earrings and two bracelets
Cambridge Sapphires Necklace Collier | Royal Jewelry of Duchess of Kent historic sapphire parure tiara, necklace, stomacher, earrings and two bracelets
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